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How long does it take to digest food

Digestion brings together all the transformations likely to be suffered by a food in the digestive tract of a human being.The digestive tract brings together the mouth, the esophagus, the liver, the stomach, the gallbladder, the small intestine, the large intestine and the anus.Indeed, when we consume a food, thanks to the process of digestion, this food is transformed into nutrient and in waste.Nutrients are used by cells and waste are evacuated by anus and kidneys.

How long does it take to digest food

Digestion being the transformation of the food consumed, the latter takes place in several stages.We distinguish among them:

This begins with chewing.At this stage, the food is crushed and reduced to small pieces in the mouth under the action of teeth and saliva.Mastic foods are sent to the pharynx.At this level, under the effect of the enzyme called Amylase, the chemical transformation begins and continues its circuit towards the esophagus to land in the stomach, thanks to the muscle contraction of the digestive system.

This is the step where the small intestine and the stomach operate at full speed to recover from the food consumed all the nutrients that the body needs.In terms of stomach, the food, under intense mixing action, is transformed into a homogenized porridge called Chyme.THE Gastric acid intervenes in the degradation of the proteins contained in the food to obtain proteins.Then the result is conveyed to the small intestine for another stage of digestive transformation.The transition from the stomach to the small intestine sometimes takes time – if you have consumed a rich and generous meal.A intestinal overload should be avoided at all costs.

In the small intestine, under the action of other types of enzymes, the chyme is more degraded at the duodenum level.The nutrients necessary for the cells of the human body are extracted in the small intestine.

At the stage of the Intestinal digestion are used ::

  • The pancreatic juice (which contains enzymes such as amylases, lipases, peptidases and proteinases),
  • THE intestinal (necessary for the degradation of large molecules under the effect of enzymes as sucks and phosphatases)
  • The bile (unit of digestive juice which absorbs fats).

Bile, stored in the gallbladder, is a result of the secretion of the liver and contains bile salts.These facilitate the emulsification of all the lipids contained in the food to digest.

The colon is the receptacle of intestinal digestion.During the intestinal transit (which lasts between 6 and 12 hours), the nutrients are absorbed by the cells and the rest is conveyed to the colon.At the colon level, a viscous liquid (which is actually a set of fiber or animal residues) is mixed with the remains evacuated to the colon.The colon bacteria transform the residues that have not been digested to transform them and faeces, which will be evacuated by the anus.When the stool is evacuated, digestion ends.